
The Importance of Spending Time With Those Older Than You

I was lucky to have a lot of role models growing up and since then I have always enjoyed being around older people. We can learn so much from stories they tell, the lessons they share, and the history they lived through. I remember being a kid and I had no idea how my dad just seemed to know everything. If something was wrong with the car he’d just go out and fix it, you ask him how to cook something and he’ll show you, ask how taxes work and he could explain it. I couldn’t imagine knowing so much about so many different things. As I got older I learned he’d had to fix his own car since he was 16, he worked in a restaurant for 20 years, then worked as an accountant for 30 years. It wasn’t some magical dad power to know everything (though I’m sure that’s part of it) it was decades of experience that taught him so much. 

That is what you get when you spend time around those older than you, decades of experience from people that are eager to share with the younger generation. Imagine, what do you wish you could tell your teenage self? I’m sure you have many lessons and words of wisdom you’d be eager to share that would help you avoid mistakes and improve your life today. Now imagine it’s 30 years in the future, imagine all you would’ve gone through and all you would’ve learned along the way, then imagine all the advice future you could share with you today. But you don’t have to wait 30 years and wonder what you’ll learn, because there are people out there, maybe family, maybe friends, maybe co-workers who are 20,30,40, maybe even 50 years older than you and they have been through similar situations as you, they have been through difficulties that you don’t even know you are going to face yet. These mentors are an untapped gold mine of information and wisdom that can set you ahead decades without making the same mistakes they did. 

I enjoy talking with seniors so much that I began volunteering at retirement homes. I’m not saying that’s what everyone should do, there are many ways to meet new senior citizens and some may already be a part of your life. Maybe you have older family members, neighbors, co-workers, or friends’ parents. If you’re lucky enough to have people in your life that you can learn from and talk to then take advantage of their experience. It just takes one conversation to change your life. 

Jonathan Schweinefuss and Bernard Evans
Jonathan Schweinefuss
Jonathan Schweinefuss
Articles: 17