
How to connect with Grandchildren During The Holidays

Grandparents play a very important role for the younger generation. Studies have shown improvements in brain development and confidence in children that spent at least one day a week with grandparents. It’s often easier to connect with grandchildren when they are younger, they connect with and look up to all those around them. So how do you connect with grandchildren that are older, between 10-18, and have their own interests and you can’t spend as much time with? 

Create Traditions

It’s common for many grandparents to only see their grandkids during the holidays so it’s important to make the most of that time. Traditions can help you pick up right where you left off, feeling like you were never a part. Traditions can range from going to see a movie or getting lunch, to a secret handshake or inside jokes. This immediately breaks the ice and gets you talking and hanging out again. 

Keep In Touch

Do your best to keep in touch even when you may not see each other in person. Technology has made it easier than ever to connect over long distances. There are tons of options for video calls such as zoom, facetime, and skype. Even just a phone call can make a big difference. Try to schedule phone calls twice a month with grandkids. 

Share Stories and Lessons

Sharing stories is one of the quickest ways for human connection. Stories allow us to understand each other on a deeper level and see ourselves in one another. Share stories about your life, your childhood, your parents, grandparents, and even your children. You grandchildren may find that you and them have much more in common than they thought. When I was younger I used to love hearing stories about my grandfather’s childhood and all of his funny stories and trouble he got into; and his stories about the Navy were always a big hit too! Sharing stories is one of the best ways to connect with your grandchildren. 

Whether you see your grandchildren every week or only a few times a year, these tips can help you connect with your grandchildren. It’s more important now than ever that you develop a good relationship with your grandchildren. The younger generations have the world’s most difficult problems to tackle and they need the guidance and wisdom of the older generations to prepare them for success. 

Jonathan Schweinefuss
Jonathan Schweinefuss
Articles: 17