
How Stories Shape Our Minds

Stories allow us to pass down lessons and learn from those who have come before us. Arguably, what sets us apart from other species is our ability to learn not just from our own experiences; but from the experiences of others as well.

How Stories Shape Our Minds

The power of storytelling has connected humanity throughout our existence. Stories allow us to pass down lessons and learn from those who have come before us. Arguably, what sets us apart from other species is our ability to learn not just from our own experiences; but from the experiences of others as well. Some of the earliest examples of storytelling are found in cave paintings warning dangerous animals, floods, and other dangers to be aware of. Stories are a powerful way to pass down wisdom through generations.

Storytelling is so powerful in fact that scientists have found that when listening to a story your brain waves begin to synchronize with the brain waves of the storyteller. This may partially explain the deep sense of connection we feel to others when listening to a great story. Great stories allow us to feel as if we were there because they paint such a vivid picture in our minds. Which is why stories can be so persuasive, they increase our compassion and empathy because we can see from the perspective of others. 

Advice that is interpreted like instruction is not always received well, even when it is in good faith. The advice can come off more like a lecture rather than a lesson. But when we can share a story about our own experience in a similar situation and relate it back to the listener then we’ve created a connection and a lesson worth listening to. 

The goal of Stories Of A Lifetime is to connect our vastly different generations through storytelling. I’ve listened to stories from many different senior citizens and learned that though we’ve grown up in very different times, both technologically and politically and economically, our experiences are still very similar and so much can be learned and applied to our present day lives. For example technology has given us all a window into each other’s lives which mostly is beneficial, but has also led to unhealthily comparing our lives to those of others. Many people see the success of others online and believe they are failing or behind in their own lives. When in reality, a lesson I’ve learned from interviewing so many seniors, most people’s greatest achievements come later in life. 

The stories we tell ourselves and hear from others help shape our beliefs and ultimately our reality. Storytelling is a powerful tool to help you connect with others, whether to share your own perspective or gain theirs. It is important to understand how stories shape our minds and can be used to better communicate and connect with each other.  

Jonathan Schweinefuss
Jonathan Schweinefuss
Articles: 17