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Best Books for Young Adults in 2022

Your 20’s are a time to grow your mindset and really take charge of your life. The habits, lifestyle, and mindset you develop today will determine your success in the future. My mindset has developed largely from the people around me and the many influential people I’ve met. Additionally, the many books that I’ve read have had a great impact on shaping my life and mindset. These are the top five books I recommend for young adults. 

1. The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a masterpiece in storytelling and a beautiful lesson on life and following your dreams. This book is a fictional story about a boy named Santiago who is on a journey to achieve his “personal legend”. The book is a great introduction to the idea of manifestation and is often attributed to the quote “when you really want something, the whole universe will conspire to make it happen.” I recommend this book for anyone finding the courage to follow their dreams, and even for those who may not know what their dreams or “personal legend” is yet, because you may find it’s been with you all along.

2. How to Win Friends and Influence People

I actually listened to the audio version of this book and even that stuck with me. The book is what you make it, a lot of it could be considered common sense tips for being a good person. But if you take it seriously you’ll find great lessons for managing your own ego and emotions to become a more likable person. It is great for learning how to build and maintain strong relationships with people, which gets harder and becomes more important as you get older.

3. The Richest man in Babylon

Growing your mindset, meeting new people, and following your dreams are all important in your 20s, but so is growing your wealth. You’re likely starting your first full time job and the money may seem great, but you need to learn how money works. This book teaches you how to begin to build your wealth and set yourself up for success in the future. It is a fictional book set in ancient Babylon but the lessons it teaches are still true today. 

4. Shoe Dog

Shoe dog is an autobiography by Phil Knight, the Founder of Nike. The book details Phil’s relentless drive to create the best running shoe and eventually the best shoe company. You will get a glimpse into the struggles and the sacrifice that come with starting your own business. The book is a wonderful lesson in perseverance and can provide value to anyone, even those uninterested in starting their own business.

5. Into The Wild

A book many of us may have read in high school but failed to appreciate until later in life. Based on a true story, Into The Wild depicts the life of Chris McCandless as he quits his job, sells all of his possessions, and sets out on a journey to Alaska. It’s a story of self discovery and forging your own path. The story focuses on the struggles of adapting to society and the status quo. 

These are the best books for young adults because they come together to teach you a valuable foundation of lessons for a happier and more successful life. Follow your dreams, be a good person, save your money, never give up, and be your true self. 

Jonathan Schweinefuss
Jonathan Schweinefuss
Articles: 17